If you are a health professional, or a person with type 2 diabetes, interested in learning more about type 2 diabetes remission using a food-first approach, don't miss this special October 21 virtual conference.
The whole day is devoted to the scientific, conceptual, ethical, clinical, and practical implications of using nutritional approaches to improve blood sugar and other health markers and put diabetes into remission. The University of BC's Continuing Professional Development has accredited it for 7 Mainpro/ 1 MOC credits.
The day's lineup of 11 speakers features notable international experts such as Prof. Roy Taylor, of Newcastle University, UK, who is arguably the leading academic researcher on the science of diabetes remission. Prof. Taylor will summarize the research evidence to date.
Dr. Dina Griazude, of the University of Michigan, will talk about shared decision-making between patients and health providers to best support patient choice in diabetes remission options. Dr. Griazude's health research is focused on developing, evaluating, and scaling effective strategies to improve obesity and type 2 diabetes treatment in primary care settings.
One of the day's most anticipated speakers is Dr. Tony Hampton, a family physician and leading healthcare innovator and medical administrator. He is also a board-certified obesity specialist, and diabetes educator with a large practice in the Southside of Chicago.

Dr. Hampton has a popular podcast, a bestselling book Fix Your Diet, Fix Your Diabetes, and an active blog. He is passionate about removing barriers to health and equipping patients and his colleagues with the education and resources they need to take charge of their health. His talk will focus on how he educates and supports healthy dietary change to improve diabetes among his largely Black American patient population, many of whom are poor and live in food deserts with limited access to fresh, healthy food.
These are just three of the 11 speakers presenting in the dynamic, day-long conference. Visit the IPTN conference site to see the entire day's agenda, read the impressive speaker bios, and follow the link to the UBC registration site.
We hope we will see you there!